Rules & Guidelines

Learning Material & Preparedness

1. School Supplies List:

  • Grades 3-5:
    (12) #2 pencils, (1) pack of cap erasers minimum 25ct, (1) pencil case, (1) ruler, (5) notebooks, (5) folders, (3) book covers,(2) 1½ inch binders for work/textbooks, (1) glue stick, (1) pack of dry erase markers with eraser, (1) disinfecting wipes, (1) 16 oz./small bottle of sanitizer, (2) boxes of Kleenex
  • Grades 6-8:
    (12) #2 pencils, (1) eraser, (1) pencil case, (1) ruler, (5) notebooks, (5) folders, (4) book covers, (1) 1½ inch binder for work/textbook, (1) glue stick, (1) pack of dry erase markers with eraser, (1) pack of post-it flags/tape flags for book marking, (1) disinfecting wipes, (1) 16 oz./small bottle of sanitizer, (2) boxes of Kleenex 

2. Students must bring the following every day.

  • Qur’an and All related course books.
  • At the beginning of the year, each student will be given a full set of his or her grade’s textbooks and inventory will be taken. The books must be covered and students need to write their name on the cover or in it.

Homework, Daily Hifdh Lessons, and Aalimah Planner

  1. Homework must be completed and submitted daily as per teacher’s directions.
  2. Hifdh students must complete all three lessons DAILY (First-Manzil->Second-Sabki->Third-Sabak). At the teacher’s discretion, missed/incomplete lessons will result in break-time detention. Upon completion of each lesson a PASS, INCOMPLETE, or FAIL notification with lesson and behavior details will be sent to the student’s parent via our app. A parent must acknowledge the notification after seeing it.
  3. For the Aalimah students, planners will be used to manage the student’s activities. A parent must sign the planner every day.

Behaviour & Conduct

The Academy of Saut Ul Furqan aims to instill Islamic morals and values in a student. Therefore, necessary measures will be taken to ensure discipline at all times.

  • Misbehaviour and bad conduct includes but is not limited to Bullying of any type, Disrespecting Teachers & School Employees, Lying, Stealing, Inappropriate Language, Fighting/Play Fighting, Physical Contact (Any contact by student to students deemed inappropriate is unacceptable, whether done unintentionally or intentionally).

Bullying Policy

The Academy of Saut Ul Furqan strives to provide a safe, positive learning climate for all students. Therefore, it is the policy of ASF to maintain an educational environment in which bullying in any form is not tolerated. Anyone who engages in bullying is in violation of this policy and will face consequences. Students who experience bullying should promptly report such incidents to a staff member. Complaints of bullying shall be investigated promptly and corrective action shall be taken when a complaint is verified. Neither reprisals nor retaliation shall occur as a result of the submission of a complaint. ASF regularly informs students that bullying of students will not be tolerated.

Dress Code

  • All hifdh students MUST wear Shalwar Kameez or Jubba/Thobe, preferably white, with topee/kufi.
  • Only a shalwar, presentable pants/slacks, or khakis can be worn under a kameez/kurta. Sweatpants or joggers are NOT allowed under a kameez/kurta.
  • White shalwar kameez or white jubba with the Academy’s logo MUST be worn on Jumuah – Friday ONLY.
  • Aalima students MUST wear a simple plain black Abaya (no embroidery, fashionable stitching…etc). No gold or imitation jewelry, fashion accessories, etc. allowed. All students must exercise modesty.
  • The students MUST wear presentable clothing; jeans, sleeping pajamas, or shorts are NOT allowed.
  • ASF highly regards the dress code and finds it to be the first step towards a disciplined student at school. Students without the appropriate dress code will be sent home.


Students are NOT allowed to bring any electronic devices to school. Any device (phone, ipad, ipod, laptop, table, watch…etc) brought to school will be confiscated immediately. Zero tolerance. If a student needs to bring a device for Academics, he/she must get approval and deposit it as soon as he/she enters the masjid/school. With their teacher’s permission and oversight, the students can borrow and use the school owned Chromebooks for in class learning and assignments. The teacher will keep inventory of which Chromebook each student is using and it must be returned by the end of the Academic period. The students will only have access to approved sites, their school issued email account and drive.

Safety & Security


  • The masjid and school doors are locked after the morning assembly and kept locked while school is in session. They are opened for the congregational prayers and then locked again . If a parent needs to stop by/visit during school hours, they must ring the bell to the right of the door. Students are not allowed to open the front door for anyone unless given permission by a teacher.


  1. All students MUST return all of the school’s textbooks prior to the TerraNova exams in June.
  2. Any books found in the masjid, class, or in the hallway after school hours will be kept with the school admin. On the first offense, the student will receive a verbal warning and then break-time detention. If the student is found to be negligent and continues to leave books around the masjid/school, a $5 penalty for each book will need to be paid as donation to the school for its return.

Student Responsibilities

  • To be caring and honest.
  • To do his or her best to learn and master all he or she can.
  • To respect and follow school rules, regulations and policies.
  • To respect and protect personal property and rights of others, and of the school.
  • To treat all member of the community with full respect, fairness and courtesy.
  • To abide by all the expectations of the school and its community.
  • To adhere to due process procedures in case of misconduct or misbehavior.

Bathroom Rules

  • Clean toilet seat after use.
  • Boys are to sit, not stand, when using the bathroom, according to Islamic etiquette.
  • Clean yourself with water, as per the Sunnah.
  • Wash your hands with soap when you are finished.
  • Report any leaks, spills, or other problems to the school administrator or a teacher.

Locker Area Rules

  • Lockers are to be used to store books, school supplies, and personal items deemed necessary for use at school.
  • Unfinished/old food MUST NOT be left in the lockers.
  • There should be no crowding in the locker area.
  • Students are not allowed to go to the locker area during class time.
  • Lockers should not be used to store items which cause, or can reasonably be foreseen to cause, an interference with school purposes or an educational function.

Hallway & Stairway Rules

  • Students may not open the front or back door of the school without permission
  • No running, shoving, or pushing in the hallways and stairways and keep your body to yourself.

Masjid And School Property Rules

  • The masjid is the house of Allah. The students are expected to respect and keep the masjid and school clean at all times.
  • Keep all masjid and school furniture and property free of damage.
  • Show responsibility and respect for masjid and school equipment.
  • Follow allowed access rules for laptops and chromebooks.

Recess And Playground Rules

  • Balls may not be kicked or thrown indoors, against buildings, fences, play equipment or other individuals.
  • Should a ball be kicked out of the designated play area accidentally, the student kicking it out must inform the teacher/adult on duty immediately.
  • If anyone becomes injured during recess or any other play time, students should inform the teacher/adult on duty immediately.
  • Be prompt in leaving the yard/playground when recess is over.
  • Always stay within the masjid/school property.
  • Speak to others politely and without raising your voices.
  • Stay off of trees and fences.
  • Stay out of parking areas.
  • Observe and obey safety rules.
  • Listen to and obey teachers and/or other adults on duty.
  • Keep masjid and school grounds clean and clear of all personal belongings and/or garbage.
  • The older students must set themselves as good role models for their younger schoolmates, interacting with care.
  • The younger students must respect their older schoolmates and not engage with them unnecessarily.

Dismissal Rules

  • All students must wait for their parents on school property, either inside the masjid/school or stay on the field/yard if allowed to play outside by the school admin.
  • According to Islamic etiquette, pardah must be observed and socializing/mingling is NOT allowed.