Full-Time Girls' Tarbiyyah / Jr. Alimah Program

Full-Time Girl's Tarbiyyah Program

With Integrated Academics

A program designed for the systematic upbringing of Girls, ages 12 and up; focusing on adab (manners, ‘amal (practice), and ilm (acquiring fundamental Islamic knowledge)


Full-Time Girl's Tarbiyyah Program

  • This is not an ‘Alimah program; rather it is a Tarbiyyah program for girls 12 years and up – based on similar programs in South Africa, Europe, Sub-Continent and US.
  • The duration of the program is two years and covers fundamental courses from the first two years of the ‘Alima program based on the traditional Darse-Nizame curriculum
  • The focus will be on Tarbiyyah (systematic upbringing), A’adaab (manners), and practice, in addition to acquiring fundamental Islamic Knowledge, so that our daughters can evolve into good practicing Muslims
  • Prepares students for a lifelong commitment towards learning of the sacred sciences, deep sense of social responsibility, and personal development
  • Structured School Environment
  • Field Trips and option to participate in extracurricular activities

*a student may also enroll into the program without taking the academics segment

Integrated Academics

The transformative learning experiences at the Academy of Saut Ul Furqan are designed to help our students grow both in and out of the classroom. In collaboration with the Bayaan Academy (https://bayaanacademy.com/), a leading and accredited school that imparts education with Islamic principles and values integrated into its teaching, our students receive their secular education onsite and virtually while fully engaged in live classes.The Tarbiyyah coursework is simultaneously completed with the student’s secular studies.

  • Accredited Academic Program with core subjects such as Mathematics, Science, English Language Arts, and Social Studies taught by highly qualified and experienced Muslim teachers.
  • The program targets and rectifies each student’s strengths and weaknesses, all while they are comfortably surrounded by an Islamic environment onsite at the Academy
  • LMS (Learning Management System) with full parent access for student progress and reports
  • Yearly diagnostic and standardized tests administered onsite
  • High School students may earn credits for the classes they are taking at the Academy of Saut Ul Furqan. Classes recognized by Bayaan Academy include Arabic Language, Qur’an, Tafseer/Exegesis of the Quran, Islamic History, Aqeedah/Theology, and Mantiq/Logic

The onsite classes are overseen by our Learning Coach(s) who

  • Help the students organize the learning environment
  • Ensure their day to day academic progress
  • Ensure that the students are completing their academic courses promptly
  • Use provided instructional guides to help students make progress through daily lessons
  • Use online tools to help students log attendance and manage their schedules
  • Communicate frequently with teachers in order to foster the students’ success

Courses offered

In Girl's Tarbiyyah Program


& Islamic History


Nahw & Sarf




Adab & Duas